Stitching the Forest Together
Stitching the Forest Together draws attention to the vast network of fungal roots that lie unseen beneath the forest floor. Most people are intrigued by mushrooms but don't realize the essential work of fungal roots, called mycelia, that co-evolved with forest plants. Fueled by forest plant root sugars, the thread-like mycelia seek and transport water and nutrients to protect forests from drought and disease. Remarkably, the fungal threads intersect and share their bounty with the entire forest community. This makes me think of how vital unseen women's work stitches communities together.
In the Cynthia Sears' Collection at Bainbridge Island Museum of Art.
Quilted forest floor rests upon a star-shaped piano-hinged accordion structure. Mono-printed forest plant forms on handmade kozo paper. Botanical contact prints on commercial cotton paper. Hand stitching with embroidery thread. Machine stitching with c
Height : 9’ Width: 4” Depth: 4” Display dimensions: 9.5 x 9.5 x9.5
Quilted forest floor rests upon a star-shaped piano-hinged accordion structure. Mono-printed forest plant forms on handmade kozo paper. Botanical contact prints on commercial cotton paper. Hand stitching with embroidery thread. Machine stitching with c
9’ Width: 4” Depth: 4” Display dimensions: 9.5 x 9.5 x9.5
Quilted forest floor rests upon a star-shaped piano-hinged accordion structure. Mono-printed forest plant forms on handmade kozo paper. Botanical contact prints on commercial cotton paper. Hand stitching with embroidery thread. Machine stitching with c
9’ Width: 4” Depth: 4” Display dimensions: 9.5 x 9.5 x9.5